Biological, Fostered, or Adopted Siblings Can Get Along and Thrive.
I'll Show You How!
I answer the question on every parent's mind: how will fostering or adoption affect my kids already in the home?
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Raising a blended family of biological, fostered, and adopted children can exhaust the most resilient of parents.
I get that and I am here to help.
Do you feel you don’t have a handle on sibling relationships? I have support and resources for all facets of building, maintaining, or getting back to creating a thriving family consisting of biological, adopted, and fostered kiddos.
From finding your parenting strengths, building resiliency in each of your children, creating a communication environment where every child is comfortable speaking up for their true needs, taking care of yourself, finding support when needed, and mastering your parent challenges specific to fostering or adoption…I'll show you how to take ground in your family even if things have been rocky for some time.

I am happy to offer you a variety of free resources, including video, podcasts, and articles!
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My resources are designed to teach both parents and resident children about having siblings from trauma backgrounds.
My son and I just started going through the Flight Training Manual last week. We did the first chapter. At the end of the week he told me that your book was his favorite part of homeschooling! He carefully thought through questions and we had wonderful discussion in the first chapter. It helped him have empathy for his little sister and foster sisters. We are excited to continue working through the material.
Thank you for the work you are doing to bring awareness to parents and to give resident children a voice.
I help parents build resilient families that don’t leave the resident kids struggling with the transition.

Resident siblings need to be better prepared for how fostering and adopting kids from trauma backgrounds will affect them. They do best when they understand how the changes in the family will affect them.
I will show you the parenting strengths you already have and guide you to specific things you can do to get your family thriving again or proactively build resilience against stress common to blended families.
What Is Secondary Trauma Stress?
When children enter foster and adoptive homes having come from trauma, abuse, and neglect backgrounds, the children already in the home (resident kids) can experience unique stresses on them that can overwhelm them if they do not receive specific support.
The resident siblings now have their very own workbooks to help them navigate the trickier parts of being a sibling to a foster or adopted child.
Learn MoreSecondary trauma is the emotional duress that results when an individual hears about the first-hand trauma experiences of another, is exposed to someone else’s trauma, or to their trauma reactions.

The siblings are vulnerable because every day they witness the toll that primary trauma has taken on their foster or adoptive brother or sister. These siblings are constantly around behaviors that can confuse or overwhelm them.
- Listening to their brother or sister talk about the trauma
- Witnessing acting-out behaviors
- Being targeted for aggression against them
- Feeling helpless when trying to help them
These stresses on the resident kids affect them more than any of us realized. The resident siblings need support in ways that most are not getting because no one has understood what to do until now.